
Behind every successful brand is the ability to train, educate, & motivate:

For over 20 years at TPH we always strive to support and elevate the standards of training and education. 

To reach these ends, we have continuously been updating, fine tuning and collaborating with other industry users.

During COVID our support to those in need was to certify over 200 therapists, free of charge in Anatomy & Physiology with a BABTAC certification.

Extensive Courses

Our persistent dedication to innovation, inspiration & motivation, is the driving force behind shaping the future of the industry.  

We now offer both FEE paying & FEE FREE courses in order to help those wanting to better themselves, create healthy working environments and climb the ladder of success. Our tutors are highly qualified and have many years of experience in the beauty & spa industry within the Middle East and around the globe. 

Our training manager Sarah, has provided training & education for The Product House for over 10 years, Sarah is known for her passion in learning and commitment to improving education and industry standards in the region. 

Who are we aiming our courses at? EVERYONE!  

We offer a full range of courses designed for those of all skill sets and abilities with TPH internal modules. Practical diplomas, workshop and self-development units develop skills and confidence, in order to provide candidates with the tools to become a crucial member of the spa entity. 

Our modules can be offered corporately as well as to individuals, so that they can benefit from the education they deserve. Whether it is someone wanting to enter the industry, a spa attendant who wants to climb the ladder, or a spa assistant needing guidance on becoming a supervisor or manager.